Remove White Cement from Tiles
Tips and Tricks

How to Remove White Cement from Tiles – Best Ways to Remove Cement Stains

Cement is an essential part of any construction, and there is no way we can avoid it. The most irritating thing about the cement is that if it fixes itself above the tiles, then it is quite challenging to remove it. The whole cement removal process is admittedly easy but a bit time-consuming. You have to be consistent and keep trying. 

If there is a thin layer or a small amount of cement, then some everyday household products can remove the cement from tiles. However, you may have to use stronger acids if there are a huge amount and thick layers of cement stains. Let’s find out how to remove white cement from tiles.


  • It is essential to wear gloves, a coat, and glasses to protect your skin and eyes. 
  • Try to maintain proper ventilation before starting the cleaning process.
  • Take more care when the tile is glazed as even a mild acid like vinegar can mess up the glaze.

Things You Will Need:

  • Protective gloves and eyewear
  • Small brush or old toothbrush
  • Sponges or soft cloths
  • A bucket of water
  • Soap or detergent
  • White vinegar
  • Flathead screwdriver
  • Tampico brush or scrubbing pad
  • Phosphoric Acid Cleaner and scrappers (optional for thick layers)

How to Remove White Cement from Tiles?

Method A – Removing Thin Layers of White Cement

white vinegarStep 1: 

Find the places where the cement stains are visible and take the help of white vinegar to get rid of small spots and thin layers. White vinegar provides enough acidic power that can free the cement from the tiles.

Step 2:

Apply enough vinegar on the cement and then take a sponge or soft cloth to cover it. Throw some more white vinegar on the sponge and leave it for an hour or two so that the vinegar can set on the cement.

Step 3:

Keep checking the wetness of the vinegar. If you think that it is evaporating due to the hot weather or because of some other reasons, then apply it again on a timely basis to keep the area moist.

Step 4:

Once you observe that the cement is starting to lose its attachment from the tiles, now it’s time to start scrubbing them off. You can either use a Tampico brush or scrubbing pad to scrub the area.

Step 5:

Have patience, keep calm, and continue scrubbing for a few minutes straight. As the white vinegar has already loosened the cement, you will soon observe the results and see the scrubbed out cement on the pad.

Step 6:

Once you have cleaned the area, take a wet towel, and wipe out the whole area. If you still find a few particles of cement on the tiles, then reapply vinegar and leave it for some time on the tiles. Repeat the process and see the difference.

Step 7:

Once you finish the whole process, take water, and rinse the area. If you can’t use more water in that particular area, then take a bucket full of water and damp cloth in it. Use the wet cloth to wipe out the area and white cement particles.

Step 8:

At last, clean the affected area with soap and water. It is essential to clean the white vinegar once the cement stains have been removed. Rinse the area twice to make sure that you have eliminated the acid entirely from the tiles.

Method B: Remove Large Amounts and Thick Layers of Cement

Step 1:

You will need strong acid such as Phosphoric Acid Cleaner to get rid of a larger amount of white cement from tiles. Such acids can cut through the layers of cement. The cement will eventually lose contact with the tiles so that you can remove it quickly.

Step 2:

Take a scraper or metal scrubber to remove the thick layers before applying the acid. You can also use a flat-head screwdriver. You can get all these things, including the phosphoric acid cleaner from the hardware store. You can also get them online.

Step 3:

Now, it’s time to use the strong acid for the remaining white cement. Apply the acid as per the manufacturer’s manual or instructions. DO NOT FORGET to wear your gloves, coat, and protective glasses while working with the phosphoric acid cleaner.

Step 4:

You will see that the cement has already started losing contact with the tiles. After half an hour or one hour, scrub the area with a scrubber and remove the white cement from the surface. 

Step 5:

At last, rinse the area thoroughly with clean water. It is also essential to clean the surface and affected areas with soap and water to remove the remaining acid or acidic smell. Rinse the soap or detergent thoroughly.

The answer to how to remove cement stains from tiles is easy. But, you must take extra precautions while working with acids. Also, always follow the instructions. If the guideline states to mix the acid with water, always do that. It can dilute the acid a bit and make it mild, but sometimes it is the best combination for your important tiles. 

I hope this article has explained the process of removing the white cement from the tiles. Stay safe.

One thought on “How to Remove White Cement from Tiles – Best Ways to Remove Cement Stains

  1. Muhammad says:

    I’m very interested

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