
How to Clean Sintex Water Tank? Step By Step Cleaning Solution at Home

The water tank is one of the most significant objects of your home as it is the main source of water for your home. You use water for different purposes, such as cooking, washing, drinking, etc. So to ensure the good health and well-being of your family, you should make sure that the water tank is spotless and clean.

When you wonder how to clean the overhead sintex water tank, it may seem like a lot of work, however, it’s important. Having clean water is important for our daily lives. Many of us install Aquagaurds or water filters in our homes, we even boil water for kids, also along with these steps one should never forget the importance of having a clean water tank as well. Storing clean water is important to maintain good health and hygiene in your family.

How to Clean Sintex Water Tank?

Do make sure you store some water as a reserve before you start cleaning your tank as it might be useful for various purposes.

1. Drain the tank

The water should be drained out first. Make sure that all the water that is drained out is put to some use for your household chores or any other requirement and not wasted. The water can be siphoned out or drained out using a pump.

2.  Scrub the tank

After you drain the tank, you should clean the floors and the walls of the tank by scrubbing it. By scrubbing, you can get rid of dirt, fungus, algae, and the stains. Make sure you wear a mask throughout the process while cleaning. Once the scrubbing is done, all you need to do is wash all the surfaces with water or a high-pressure jet.

3. Vacuum cleaning

The residue and soil at times choose the floors of the tank, and they are difficult to get rid of. So to make sure that the tank is clean after scrubbing you could use a vacuum cleaner to get a tank free of all dirt.

4. Sanitizing the tank and the pipes

A lot of disinfectants like sprays and liquid detergent is available in the market to clean your tank. This ensures that your tank gets rid of germs and all kinds of bacteria in your tank. Once you use these disinfectants to make sure you clean the tank with water by filling it up a bit and running it through your pipelines to get rid of all the extra dirt as the water will reach you through these pipelines later.

5. Leave the tank empty for drying

Once you’ve drained the water used for rinsing your tank after cleaning, you can leave the tank to dry and after it’s dry you could top it up with fresh water for your usage.

Important measures to take while cleaning your tank.

You should be careful where you drain out the liquids from inside your tank. Letting too much water out at once could cause erosion or flooding depending on your environment. Allowing the water which contains detergent or disinfectants in places that contain vegetation or into other bodies of water can be harmful.
Getting into the tank to clean it can also be dangerous, make sure you have someone supervising while you clean the tank.

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